First Friday of the Month
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament occurs at St. Joseph's Basilica on the First Friday of each month. It begins immediately following the 12:05pm Mass and continues until just before the 5:30pm Mass.
Why Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament?
Pope St. John Paul II wrote that "The Church and the world have a great need of eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and ready to make reparation for the great faults and crimes of the world by our adoration never cease." (From the Apostolic Letter Dominicae Cenae)
Archbishop Smith has also requested to have adoration before the Eucharist to ask the Lord for vocations to the priesthood in the Archdiocese of Edmonton.